Pain Management
Pain Management in Fair Lawn, NJ
Medical pain management options may be considered when injuries warrant treatment beyond conservative therapies. Our pain management specialist Dr. Douglas Spiel,MD is renowned for Interventional Pain and can consult with a patient on their state of health and the latest technologies available to them.
We see patients for joint pain, neck pain, back pain, spine injuries, disc herniations, pinched nerves, sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, and trauma. Dr. Douglas Spiel is experienced in treating difficult conditions including RSD/CRPS and PTSD.
Interventional Pain Specialist
Dr. Douglas Spiel’s unique background as a pain physician and radiologist offers the most thorough workup, diagnosis, and treatment available. He is known for integrating traditional treatment with cutting edge technology and developments in medicine, to offer the best treatment options available for patients. When spine surgery is necessary, he works hand in hand with renowned neurosurgeons to identify the source of pain, and meet the need of each individual patient to accomplish the best outcome.
Nocimed / MR Spectroscopy
Douglas Spiel MD is the first physician in New Jersey to integrate Nociscan / MR Spectroscopy studies in the work up of patients with spinal injuries and pain to confirm disc injury, facet injury and disc pain. This study replaces the need for discography, is NON-invasive, objective, and FDA approved.
Nocimed / MR Spectroscopy is a specialty diagnostic study to evaluate for lumbar disc abnormality and pain. This diagnostic study identifies ‘chemical change’ within he intervertebral discs. When a disc is abnormal and/or painful, the internal chemistry of a disc changes, and is identified in this diagnostic study. This study provides valuable information similar to what was once accomplished with provocative discography, but this is NON-invasive, objective, and FDA approved.
Nocimed / Spectroscopy is typically ordered after traditional MRI to gain confirmation of structural integrity compromise, and identify painful discs so appropriate treatment is planned.
Conditions That May Require Pain Management
- Disc Herniations / Disc Bulges
- Failed back Surgery
- Pinched Nerves
- Joint Pain
- Vertebral Compression Fractures
- Facet Joint Pain
- Sports Injuries
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Whiplash
Pain Management Procedures
Epidural Steroid Injections for disc and nerve pain (neck and back).
Radiofrequency Ablation for facet joint pain.
Surgical Neurotomy for facet joint pain.
Sympathetic Blocks for RSD/CRPS
Stellate Ganglion Blocks for PTSD
Joint Injections are an effective pain management option.
Sacroilac Joint Injections and Neurotomy
Vertebral Compression Fractures (Kyphoplasty / Vertebroplasty)
Endoscopic Spine Surgery for neck and back injuries.
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery for neck and back injuries.
Pain Management in Fair Lawn at Academy Spine & Physical Therapy
Visit our practice in the heart of Bergen County at 19-21 Fair Lawn Ave, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 or contact us to book your appointment: (201) 796-7772.